The pastel itself is very pleasant to work with and the works done in pastelsradiate a very cozy, warm feeling. These can reproduce almost everything from flowers to glasses, water, animals and plants, in a very professional way.
The pastel is a very good way to make drawings(as well as paintings) quickly and easily, in your own house or outdoors. You, your family and especially the children, will enjoy this wonderful way of art.
When you work with pastels,one great advantage is that you don’t need too many tools in order to use them. Usually, it’s enough to have the pastels and a couple of papers. Generally, in order to not have too many problems with the dust, it is preferableto use the oiled pastels, because they don’t disintegrate as easily as the coated pastel.
The coated pastels have a matte texture when you color a piece of paper with them and the oiled ones have a shinier texture when they are put on paper. The papers can affect the work in oiled pastels, however; these can absorb the oil of the pastel, making the drawing look more matte.
The works done in pastel, regardless of the type, can be used as interior decorations or as presents and, of course, they can be sold at decent prices;it is possible to make a living out of selling them.
The age for starting to work with pastels does not matter, it is an easy thing to learn and it can offer you good results, even if you don’t have any kind of drawing studies. It’s best to start learning to draw or paint in pastels, before learning to work in other techniques. The oil painting is one of the hardestcategories of art; the art done in crayon is easier to maneuver; but doesn’t offer you the same result and aspect, as the ones made in pastels do. Watercolors could be also very beautiful; but are harder to master, because of the combination between papers, water and the quantity of color; plus you have to master the game of pencil on the paper.
The pastel is not considered as highly as other methods, by art specialists; it is considered like child’s play, like a game done by a little child and not so much as a work of art. Well, it’s not quite like that.
As you will see in the first chapter, important persons from the history of art, like Edgar Degas, used the pastel as a substitute for oil painting very often.
In the end, pastels are an excellent medium of art, especially for people that haven’t drawn or painted in their entire lives and want to have an artistic beginning, for people that have done a School of art, for old people that love nature, for children that want to draw colorful images and experimentations and practically for everyone who wants to have some fun. The pastels don’t have to be seen as a mediocre form of art. They may eventually rise to the standard of oil paintings.
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