Bible Teacher 101: How to Teach the Bible in Sunday School, Make a Positive Impact in People’s Lives, and Become the Best Bible Teacher You Can Be From A to Z

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The Bible is a powerful and captivating book. Whether you are a believer in Jesus Christ or you just want to know more about the sacred text, incredible truths and life changing ideas can be found between the covers. Published in over 1000 languages, the Bible is much more than just an ordinary book. It is a record of God’s word to man, and it tells us the things that he wants us to know.

Studying the Bible may seem like an overwhelming idea, especially if you have never done it before. Don’t let yourself get discouraged. Don’t be thrown off by the size of the Bible or even the wide range of instructions or teachings you may have heard from different religious leaders in the past. Although it is important to accept instruction, you must always hold up the teachings of man to the word of God.

Even if you are a beginner, studying the Bible can be simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Pray. Before you begin studying the Bible, pray and ask God to open your heart and your mind, and to reveal his truth to you. Ask God to help silence your own preconceived ideas of what is right so that you can truly learn from Scripture.
  2. Choose the passage. Choose whatever scripture you want to learn about. It can be whatever you want, but consider looking at a Psalm or one of the letters in the New Testament such as Philippians or Colossians.
  3. Consider the book. Understand why the book was written in the first place. A lot of Study Bibles have introductions at the beginning of each book to tell you the purpose of the book, but if not, look online for explanations of why the book was written. Doing this will help you gain a better understanding of the point the author is trying to make.
  4. Consider the culture. Do a bit of research into what the culture of the time was when the passage was written. Was it during a time of war? Was it a wealthy culture? Were there specific areas of concern that needed to be addressed? Again, if your Bible doesn’t have this information included, take the time to look it up. This step is important so that you will know that the instructions found within the text are not arbitrary, but instead were written for a specific purpose.
  5. Apply it to today. Now take what you have learned and apply it to the culture of today. The technology and traditions may be different, but the same issues can be found in any society. Look around and consider what similarities there are, and how the verses apply in today’s world.
  6. Make it personal. Now look into your own life and see how what you have just read can impact your thoughts, attitudes, ideas, beliefs, or actions. Don’t walk away from it thinking that there is nothing for you. See what you can learn, and put it into action.

Don’t think that you have to do it all perfectly now. It takes time, but the more you learn and grow, the more you will discover as you look into the Word. Just keep going to the Lord every day and asking him to make the Scriptures come alive to you. You will not be disappointed.

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