Have you ever wanted to live a greener lifestyle, but keep get detracted from doing it because your wallet just doesn’t allow for it? It’s time to think different about going green. What could be simple, easy and environmentally friendly has gotten caught up in too much advertising.
Try to think of the last time you may have read an article about going green and it didn’t include a long list of products to buy to be greener. Can’t think of any? That’s because it’s all about selling products in those articles.
Take the power back! You’ve probably already things like, “Don’t leave the light on in a room when you aren’t in it,” or, “Don’t leave the water running when you aren’t using the sink.” Those don’t happen to be the only tips that don’t cost any money (and actually save you some in the process). Just take a look at your surroundings at home, and there are plenty of things you can do with what you already have that will make you environmentally friendlier, and save money!
The key is to think strategically about your home. The great part about it is that you only need to develop the strategy once, and it will last you for a long time without needing to overhaul the whole thing! Take an hour here and there and rethink the way you do certain things, and how you can do them greener.
For example, when you leave home, don’t leave electronics turned on. They are sapping power throughout the day, even when you aren’t using them! Yes, the TV may be turned off, but it is still taking a big amount of electricity. The TV knows what time it is, and knows the instant you press “Power” on the remote because those portions of it are still getting powered. Having those devices truly off means unplugging them or shutting off the power strip they are connected to.
Rather than running out and buying the latest green model power strip, you can just strategize with what you already have. Plug in devices that should be on or off at the same time to the same power strip, and turn off the whole thing when not using them. It’s a very simple solution that doesn’t require you to spend anything. Your energy bill will even go down because of it!
Get creative, and think of simple ways you can make similar adjustments. Never forget: being green means consuming less. Consuming less should cost less! Of course, there will be big ticket items that will require money to be thrown at it, but that shouldn’t be your first option. Even greener products can be used wastefully, so start with your habits!
The next time you take a look at anything that advertises an “all green makeover,” or a similar saying, take a step back and think of reality. Rather than running out and buying anything, no matter how big or small, think of your habits in using what you already own. Running out and buying all new green light bulbs will save energy, but if you leave them on all day what’s the point? What’s also to think of is if you’re throwing away perfectly good light bulbs just because they aren’t the greenest. Wait until a bulb burns out before replacing it, because doing otherwise is wasteful, just in a different way. You’re adding unnecessarily to the trash pile rather than wasting electricity in that case.
In conclusion, just look at going greener very plainly. Does something require constant money to be thrown at it to make a difference, or can you change the way you use what you already have to achieve a similar goal? Doing what you can to be more environmentally friendly will make you feel better, save money, and help the planet in the long run. If we were all rich, we could all run out and get everything the absolute greenest it could be. Since that isn’t the case, let’s be proud in the mutually beneficial steps we take every day to save the planet, and our wallets!
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