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Step 1: Watch "How To Binge Eating" Video Course Below!

How To Binge Eating - Opening credits

How To Binge Eating - Introduction

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 1: Understanding Binge Eating Disorder

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 2: Causes of Binge Eating Disorder

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 3: Short and Long Term Effects of Binge Eating Disorder

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 4: What Do We Hunger For?

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 5: Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 6: How to Cope with Binge Eating Disorder

How To Binge Eating - Lesson 7: Recovery is Not Linear

How To Binge Eating - Closing Credits

About the Expert Lindsay Rossum

Lindsay Rossum has been in recovery from Binge Eating Disorder for over 4 years and has been free from compulsive overeating for over 2 years. She is passionate about sharing her experiences with others to encourage them that there is hope and freedom from this disease.
Lindsay now works as a Recovery Support Specialist where she walks alongside others with mental disorders including eating disorders. Lindsay is a fan of rabbits (particularly her bunny Lily), new stationery, and spending hours at coffee shops.

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